Ownership & Funding Policy

Welcome to Online DMV, where we have pretty much all the answers to those burning questions you might have about the DMV. Although most of you might’ve only heard of us recently, fun fact, did you know that Online DMV was founded all the way back in 1999? What was originally more of a hobbyist website built during the latter days of the Dotcom Bubble, it surprisingly hasn’t changed all too much since then.

Foundation – A 20+ Year Journey In Helping Motorists

Today, our goal isn’t too different from the original Online DMV of the late ’90s – an informational site dedicated to cataloging everything about the DMV. Thanks to years of hard work and dedication, Online DMV has grown massively since, and we’re currently one of the top directory listing sites for DMV-related services. So, if you need to know anything about your local DMV office – or any one of the thousands of other DMV locations throughout the United States – then you’ve come to the right place.

Sure, unlike the late ’90s, most state DMVs nowadays have their own official websites, but despite that, Online DMV continues to offer something unique. We’re one of the few places where you can find information about every single state’s DMV without even leaving our domain, and we’ve cataloged all this data to make it easier, faster, and more convenient to access. Plus, over 20 years’ worth of continually working on expanding our own database means that we might have some gems of information here that you can’t find elsewhere.

If you’d like to learn more about our guiding principles for creating and sharing content online, check out our Editorial Policy here.

Growth & Self-Reliance – Value In Our Independence

While we might have ‘D-M-V’ in our name, Online DMV is actually a completely separate, independent entity from the actual Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) in your state. In other words, Online DMV is an impartial organization that isn’t influenced, controlled, or funded by any single state’s DMV. Sure, we might work closely with most DMV authorities in continually expanding and updating our directory listings and database, but we continue to work on our own terms.

This sense of independence is something we here at Online DMV take great pride of, as this allows us to be as transparent and as unbiased as we want to be. Moreover, aside from our openness and objectivity in not being under the control of any state’s DMV, being independent further allows us to be incredibly flexible. One notable example of how beneficial this has been is the speed and versatility that we’re able to move when it comes to improving our database and keeping it up-to-date, as well as analyzing new motoring laws and regulations.

Finding that fine line when creating and sharing content online isn’t easy, so check out our Copyright Policy to learn more about how it impacts what we do.

Ownership – An Investment Into Our Core Fundamentals

Not being owned or run by any governmental organization (here in the US or elsewhere), Online DMV is owned by a single individual here in the United States. On top of that, we’re a self-funded company! As you might have already noticed, our site is monetized with display ads. In layman’s terms, we show advertisements on our own web pages, and we get a small monetary return anytime you view or interact with those ads. In return, it allows us to provide a huge amount of content and information completely for free.

We’re not just talking about our large bank of written content and guide articles, either. Remember, our DMV directory listings can be accessed 100% free of charge, and we’ve cataloged thousands of DMV locations and offices throughout the country. Even after more than 20 years in the business, it’s still early days for us here at Online DMV, and there’s so much more that we want to do. So, join us, as we continue to expand and diversify our content creation machine, as we help countless more motorists learn more about the DMV!

If you’re ever curious about anything or if you have any questions, feel free to reach out through our Contact Us page, or send us an email directly to our inbox at [email protected].