Drivers Education in Arizona

If you are at least 15 years and six months old, live in Arizona, and wish to obtain a driving license, the first step in the process is enrolling in an Arizona drivers’ educationprogram. These programs offer new drivers a complete training in the ways of the road and the laws of the state. The program also helps inculcate a sense of maturity and responsibility in the individual as a driver.

These programs are offered in high schools as electives, and by private institutions across Arizona. However, it is important for you to check whether the curriculum being covered is approved by the state or not. This is because the certificate of completion awarded to you at the end of your program is required by the Motor Vehicles Division for your license application. A completion certificate from a non-state approved course is not applicable, meaning your training will go to waste.

Arizona drivers’ education programs consist of two modules focusing on classroom learning and formal, behind-the-wheel practice respectively. Students will start by receiving 30 hours of classroom training, in which you will be taken through the traffic laws of your state and how to interpret various traffic signs. Lectures will also focus on the penalties for violating laws, and the hazards of driving while impaired or under the influence. This material acts as a great preparatory source for the theoretical component of the driving test.

Practical driving will require a student to complete six hours of driving  under supervision of a certified professional. You will learn how to start and stop a car, and maneuver it successfully between two points. This basic training will also prepare you to park a car and negotiate intersections. Completing these modules successfully will award you with the completion certificate you need to obtain a learner’s license. You can use this license to complete a total of 30 hours of supervised driving, with 10 hours at night. After possessing your learner’s permit for five months, you will be able to apply for a Class G license which you can use to operate your own vehicle independently!

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