Car Insurance in South Dakota

Possessing car insurance is highly recommended if you wish to legally drive in the United States. Each state has its own laws regarding proper driving practices and the amount of insurance you require. In South Dakota, car insurance requirements are specific to the state and must be met by all drivers and vehicle owners. They ensure that you are contributing your share to creating a safe driving environment for all motorists.

The minimum amounts of coverage you need for car insurance in South Dakota have been determined by the state legislature. You must show proof of meeting the minimum insurance requirements when you register a vehicle, when you apply for a license the first time, and each time you renew these two documents. These amounts are:

  • $25,000 for injury/death to one person
  • $50,000 for injury/death to more than one person
  • $25,000 for damage to property

You may want to consider buying a policy with more coverage than the minimum requirements. Accidents are called such because they occur unexpectedly. You do not want to be in an emergency situation and have the added stress of paying for medical bills and car repairs from your own pocket. It is also a good idea to work with an insurance agent to list out all the assets you wish to protect in order to purchase a more customized, comprehensive policy.

Failure to carry proof of South Dakota car insurance is punishable by the law with heavy fines of up to $100 and 20 days in jail. In addition, your license may be suspended for a year; reinstating these documents not only takes up added time, it also requires paying huge amounts of extra money.

The Division of Motor Vehicles also offers the option to self-insure if you own 26 or more vehicles on your name, and an option for a $50,000 Certificate of Deposit with the State Treasurer as a means of providing proof of responsibility. However, purchasing car insurance is an easier option and the costs are much more affordable. If you wish to drive and know that you are financially protected, purchasing car insurance is the way to go.

How can I obtain cheap car insurance in South Dakota if I have been convicted of no proof of insurance?

If you have been convicted of no proof of insurance, your only option is to file an SR-22 as this conviction leads to license suspension or revocation. At the end of suspension period you are required to file SR-22 if you want to get your license back. This filing is needed for at least three years. After that you can compare different car insurance quotes and purchase a policy that is affordable to you.

What are the South Dakota car insurance requirements?

If you choose to carry liability coverage for establishing financial responsibility, then you must have $25,000 in bodily injury coverage for injury/death to one person, $50,000 for bodily injury/death to more than one person and $25,000 in property damage coverage. These are the minimum requirements; motorists may opt for additional coverage if they want to obtain more protection.

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