Are you preparing to take the Indiana state DMV’s written knowledge test? Well, then maybe it’s time to sharpen up your understanding and know-how in our Indiana DMV permit practice test and see if you have what it takes to pass it! Think you know all your Indiana-specific road signs, the rules of the road, or how to drive properly and keep yourself safe on the road? Well, our Indiana permit practice test here aims to help you prepare and study for the real thing…

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Indiana Permit Practice Test

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1) What should you do if you are involved in a minor collision with a parked vehicle in Indiana and cannot find the owner?

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2) What should you do if you approach a railroad crossing with flashing lights and lowered gates in Indiana?

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3) What is the legal Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) limit for drivers aged 21 and over in Indiana?

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4) What is the minimum following distance you should maintain between your vehicle and the one in front of you in Indiana?

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5) What is the purpose of a "No Zone" around large trucks in Indiana?

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6) In Indiana, how far must you park from a fire hydrant?

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7) In Indiana, how far ahead should you signal before changing lanes on the highway?

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8) A red circle with a white horizontal line across the center means:

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9) In Indiana, what is the maximum speed limit on rural interstate highways unless otherwise posted?

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10) When should you use your windshield wipers and headlights in Indiana?

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11) What is the penalty for driving without insurance in Indiana?

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12) What should you do if you see a yellow traffic signal in Indiana?

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13) In Indiana, how far ahead should you look when driving in urban areas?

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14) When must you use your turn signals in Indiana?

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15) What should you do if you are being tailgated in Indiana?

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16) What should you do if your vehicle stalls on the highway in Indiana?

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17) In Indiana, when should you use your high-beam headlights?

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18) What does a yellow diamond-shaped sign with a black truck going downhill mean?

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19) What does a yellow diamond-shaped sign with a curved arrow and a car with squiggly lines behind it mean?

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20) What should you do if your vehicle starts to hydroplane on a wet road in Indiana?

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The average score is 90%


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