Driving just isn’t that easy anymore once you get older, between any sense of cognitive decline and impaired vision. Plus, the rules of the road change every few years too, so keeping up with the times can be tough, too. This is why in some states like California, seniors need to take the DMV’s specific written test, made just for seniors. But, with that in mind, how many questions are there on the DMV test for seniors in California, and what does this exam entail?

Before you continue, I might gloss over some details, given that I’ve already covered this exact topic a couple of times before. So, be sure to check out this explainer here, as well as this other in-depth guide on the DMV test for seniors in California. The California DMV’s test for seniors is meant for senior drivers over the age of 70, which is required to complete if you want to renew your driver’s license. It’s a relatively short written test, with just 18 questions to answer.

1) Why Do Seniors Need To Take This DMV Test?

The purpose of the California DMV’s written test for seniors is to evaluate their understanding of road rules, traffic signs, and safe driving practices. This just about covers the basics to make sure that senior motorists are able to operate a vehicle and drive around on public roads safely. This is normal, given the many age-related changes to your mind and body that would impact your driving skills. Specifically, this is what this DMV written test for seniors will test you on:

  • Traffic Laws & Rules – Mainly, this particular focal point of the exam tests you on some of the California-specific traffic laws out there. For example, it’ll quiz you on right-of-way rules, the common speed limits in different parts of the state, and knowledge of pedestrian rights.
  • Road Signs & Signals – This other part of the written exam will test your ability to recognize various road signs, traffic signals, and pavement or road markings. These include stop signs, yield signs, speed limit signs, and other hazard or obstruction signs.
  • Safe Driving Practices – Meanwhile, this part of the written exam for seniors will quiz you on topics such as defensive driving techniques or how to suddenly avoid accidents. These could include topics like maintaining a safe following distance, recognizing and reacting to various road hazards, or looking out for other drivers.

2) How Many Questions Are On The DMV Test For Seniors In California?

As I noted briefly earlier, the California DMV test for seniors consists of 18 questions formatted in multiple-choice. These questions are generally practical and based on real-life scenarios that you might encounter in the real-world, to maintain relevance with what you might experience when you’re driving around.

Of the 18 questions in the DMV’s written test for seniors, the passing grade is around 83%. This means you need to get at least 15 (out of 18) questions right. While this might seem quite high, the DMV wants to make sure that senior drivers have a robust understanding of traffic rules, as well as state-specific road signs, and are aware of safe driving practices.

Otherwise, if you fail the DMV’s written test for seniors and can’t get past the passing grade, it is possible for you to retake the test. It’s worth bearing in mind, though, that the DMV will only allow up to 3 separate attempts for you to pass the written test. If you fail all 3 attempts, you may have to take extra steps, such as going through additional testing or retaking the driving test, before you’re allowed to renew your license.

3) Special Consideration For Senior Drivers

Compared to all the young’uns taking their written tests for the first time, the California DMV does provide special considerations for senior drivers. When you’re taking the written test for senior drivers with the California DMV, they might offer unique accommodations like a longer time provided to complete the test. Or, they could also print the test in a larger font, for folks with vision difficulties, and they even allow you to take the test on a touch-screen device.

Moreover, for folks taking the California DMV’s written test for seniors, all those questions you might encounter during the exam appear in the California DMV’s Driver’s Handbook. These are excellent study resources – all provided for free, which you can get from the DMV’s website – in case you need to revise before the test. Plus, the California DMV’s official website has plenty of other tools that could help you, such as taking their practice tests before the real one.

4) Sample Questions & Answers For The DMV Test For Seniors

I’ve done a bit of research online to see what sort of questions have come up before during the DMV’s written test for seniors in California. So, to help you familiarize yourself with what could appear during the real test, here are some sample questions (and their answers) that appeared in previous written exams:

1. What does a flashing red traffic light mean?

  • A. Stop completely, then proceed when it is safe.
  • B. Slow down and proceed with caution.
  • C. Stop only if there is other traffic.

Correct Answer: A. Stop completely, then proceed when it is safe.

2. When merging onto the freeway, you should be driving:

  • A. At or near the same speed as the traffic on the freeway.
  • B. 5 to 10 miles per hour slower than the traffic on the freeway.
  • C. The posted speed limit for freeway traffic.

Correct Answer: A. At or near the same speed as the traffic on the freeway.

3. You must notify the DMV within 10 days if you:

  • A. Get a new prescription for your glasses.
  • B. Are involved in an accident that causes any injuries.
  • C. Sell or transfer your vehicle.

Correct Answer: C. Sell or transfer your vehicle.

4. What should you do if you see an emergency vehicle with flashing lights behind you while you are driving on a two-lane road?

  • A. Speed up to get out of its way.
  • B. Move to the right edge of the road and stop.
  • C. Stop immediately in your lane.

Correct Answer: B. Move to the right edge of the road and stop.

5. A pedestrian starts to cross the street after the “Don’t Walk” signal begins flashing. What should you do?

  • A. Continue because you have the right of way.
  • B. Stop and let the pedestrian finish crossing.
  • C. Honk your horn and proceed.

Correct Answer: B. Stop and let the pedestrian finish crossing.

6. If you are driving on a road with two or more lanes in your direction, you should:

  • A. Drive in any lane.
  • B. Drive in the lane with the smoothest flow of traffic.
  • C. Drive in the right lane, except to pass.

Correct Answer: C. Drive in the right lane, except to pass.

7. What is the purpose of a “No-Zone” in reference to driving near large vehicles like trucks?

  • A. To identify areas where parking is prohibited.
  • B. To highlight blind spots where the truck driver cannot see other vehicles.
  • C. To indicate safe passing areas for smaller vehicles.

Correct Answer: B. To highlight blind spots where the truck driver cannot see other vehicles.