As important as road signs go, a divided highway sign is an early warning to let you know that there are changes in the road’s structure, specifically when it’s divided by a median or barrier.

This should help you prepare for navigating and driving through highways or roads where the traffic flow is separated, either by a physical barrier like a grassy median or a concrete barrier.

What Does The Divided Highway Sign Mean?

If you notice the divided highway sign, this is an advance warning that the road ahead will be split in two separate directions of traffic, typically divided by a physical barrier or some sort of median. This division indicates that cars traveling in opposite directions will no longer share the same roadway.

In other words, each direction of traffic will have its own lanes separated by a median, so it’s important for you to stay in your designated lanes and follow the flow of traffic. You’ll normally see this sign when entering or exiting highways, or when a previously undivided road turns into a divided one. In short, they help to prevent head-on collisions and improve traffic flow.

What Does It Look Like?

The divided highway sign is normally diamond-shaped and yellow, with black symbols that will show the change in direction. You might notice two arrows – one pointing upward (this is made to represent the direction of travel on the driver’s side), and one pointing downward (this is to represent oncoming traffic).

Then, in between these arrows, a graphic of a median or barrier is shown, clearly indicating the division between the two separate lanes of traffic. Given that it’s a bright yellow sign – typically a standard warning color – the divided highway sign should be highly visible, ensuring that you can spot it from a distance.

Where Are They Found?

Normally, you’ll notice a divided highway sign located at the beginning of a road or section of the highway you’re on where the roadway splits into two separate directions of travel. Here is a handful of the places where you might spot one:

  • Highway EntrancesYou’ll see these signs appear as you enter a highway, informing you that traffic flows in opposite directions on either side of the median.
  • Major RoadsOn some rural or suburban roads, a divided highway sign will show up when the road splits into two separate lanes of traffic.
  • Construction ZonesOtherwise, if a stretch of road is temporarily divided due to construction works, a temporary divided highway sign might be posted to warn you if there are changes in the road layout.

What To Do

If you see a divided highway sign ahead of you, here is what you should do to make sure you stay safe on the road:

  1. First off, once you enter the divided highway, make sure you stay in your designated lanes. If there is a physical divider, barrier, or median, this means you will have to follow your specific lane’s direction and avoid crossing over into oncoming lanes.
  2. While you’re there, make sure you pay close attention to any lane markings or flow of traffic around you, just to make sure you’re driving in the right direction. Also, remember that some divided highways often feature higher speed limits, so be sure you’re ready to keep pace with the traffic around you.
  3. Additionally, depending on the layout of the highway or roadway that you’re on, you might be forced to merge or change lanes. Don’t forget to use your turn signals when trying to change lanes, and check your mirrors and blind spots for other vehicles, too.

What To (Not) Do

I’ve seen a lot of drivers, particularly those who are new to being behind the wheel, making a myriad of different mistakes when coming across a divided highway sign for the first time. So, here are just some of the things you should not do:

  1. Among the more dangerous mistakes you could make is attempting to cross a physical barrier or median to make a turn or a U-turn. This isn’t just illegal in most places, but it would easily result in collisions with oncoming traffic and other cars.
  2. Other than that, as I noted earlier, some divided highways allow for higher speed limits when compared to undivided roads. Unfortunately, some drivers fail to adjust their speed when they enter a divided highway with a higher speed limit. This either results in you disrupting the flow of traffic or worse, increases the risks of accidents.
  3. One other mistake that I’ve seen some folks make is confusing the “Divided Highway” sign with the “Divided Highway Ends” sign, given that they can look similar from a distance. The latter is meant to indicate that you’re approaching the end of a divided highway. Remember, these two signs serve different purposes, to make sure you pay close attention and follow the traffic flow.